Animals  Stories

Animals We Love and Have Loved


May 17 2023

Our handsome boy Percy is not feeling well and will be going to the vet tomorrow. Percy has feline aids as well as being diabetic. Percy also needs a dental but we can’t do that until his blood glucose levels are stable. He is loosing weight and for the last two days he hasn’t eaten. If he doesn’t eat we can’t give him his insulin. This poor boy can’t seem to catch a break. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get him on the road to recovery. 

UPDATE May 18: 

Percy went to the vet today. We'll start by saying Percy is aids positive and diabetic. He requires insulin twice a day. We are still tweaking his insulin to get his blood glucose under control. Percy needs a dental but can’t have that done until we accomplish regulating the blood glucose.

Percy stopped eating two days ago which meant he couldn’t have his insulin. At the vet today Percy had blood work and urinalysis done. One kidney is larger than the other which could mean infection but cancer cannot be ruled out.

Percy is staying at the clinic for a few days, he will be hooked up to IV fluids and started on antibiotics and an appetite stimulant. If Percy does not start eating on his own they will insert a feeding tube because he needs his insulin.

Percy is where he needs to be right now and he is getting the best possible care. Right now it is a waiting game and we are all very concerned, we are trying very hard to remain positive.Please keep Percy in you thoughts and prayers.


Percy rested comfortably last night. He did lick a little gravy which was enough to make a difference. They are inserting the feeding tube today. Percy will stay at the vet clinic and we will see what the weekend brings. We will continue to post updates as we get them. 


We just spoke to the vet for an update on Percy. At this point they aren’t sure what is going on with him but they believe it is not related to his diabetes. He has the feeding tube in and is moving about. He has been taken off fluids.  For now things are moving in a positive direction but I have been told that could change  as they just aren’t sure. He is on antibiotics and other meds.  Right now he is stable and comfortable and what they are doing is helping. We will take it day by day and hope for the best! 


This morning we received a call from the vet clinic. Percy passed away sometime during the night. We have spent all day trying to process the news. Percy choose to leave this world on his own terms. Perhaps he knew how hard it would have been for us to make that decision for him. He was peaceful and pain free.

This all happened so fast and was so unexpected.  

Percy was FIV positive and diabetic but neither one of those diseases were the ones that took him from us. Cancer did. There is an empty bed at the sanctuary tonight, one less cat to medicate and tuck in. One less grey cat in the FIV room.

We are all devastated but know that when tomorrow comes we will regroup and continue to rescue.

Today Percy made the final length of his journey to the rainbow bridge. We are so proud that we got to be a part of his journey and thankful we had him in our lives for a few good years.


April 6, 2023: 

Meet Lydia. If Lydia looks unhappy in this photo, that is because she is. Lydia is 11 years old and was a recent owner surrender.  She was surrendered because she was not using the litter box. She was well taken care of and had lived with the same people since she was a kitten. Most of her life she has had litter box issues and the problem was never solved.

Lydia is now in our care, and we will do everything we can to figure out her litter box habits. She does not have a UTI. She has been with us for a few weeks. So far she has not missed the litter box, but that is not to say it won’t happen.

If you've ever wondered what happens to a cat who is surrendered after years in the same home, meet Lydia. She is traumatized and has no idea what has happened and why she is here with us. She is not happy and hides a great deal of the time. We give her extra attention and try to tell her it will be okay and that we love her, but we are all strangers to her in a strange place.

She does not understand yet, that we are her new family. If anyone thinks leaving a cat at a shelter or sanctuary is not hard on them look at Lydia. It is harder on her than anyone else involved.

UPDATE April 14:

On Saturday, Lydia stopped using the litter box. We had said that we were committed to getting to the problem of her litter box issues and yesterday after her exam I feel like we have a good start.

Lydia had been declawed which in her case did not end well. During her exam they showed us her little toe beans which should be a nice light pink color and they are not. They are red in places indicating nerve damage. She is in pain and she associates the litter box with pain. The nerve damage is permanent . What’s done is done and we can only move forward trying to help her with that being said, we are not making this post to embarrass anyone or to criticize but it to educate.

These are the facts:

There are no disputing those facts. We were given an arsenal of information yesterday and when I got home my evening was spent doing research on declawed cats. I have to admit we have never had a declawed cat pass through our doors, Lydia is the first and I have learned so much in the past 24 hours.

All we are asking is if you chose to declaw your cat, do research and know that you are altering your cats life and habits for the rest of their life. You are risking causing permanent damage and pain. Please know There are other alternatives .

What we are doing to try and help Lydia:

We want to thank everyone for reaching out to us with ideas and ways to help Lydia. Thank you to everyone who dropped off special litter for her. We are so grateful for your support.

Our vet bill yesterday was $2300 . That is a total for all the cats that had an appointment, not just Lydia. 

Lil Boots:

March 21, 2023: 

Yesterday we made an unexpected visit to the vet with Lil Boots. For those of you who don’t know, Lil Boots is 15 years old. She is also deaf and diabetic. 

Thursday night she did not eat, which is very unusual for her. Because she didn’t eat, she couldn’t have her insulin. Friday, Saturday and Sunday she ate little to nothing so once again, she couldn’t have her insulin. 

Lil Boots was also vomitting, so yesterday she saw Dr. Monteith. Lil Boots has been prone to UTI’s and yesterday she had a thorough exam and has lost a little weight, but that is to be expected. Her blood glucose was not that bad for going without insulin for a few days. 

Lil Boots was given a convenia injection, which is an antibiotic. She was also administered cerenia for nausea and had transdermal mirtazapine which is an appetite stimulant. We are hoping that this will get her feeling better and eating again. If not, it will be back to the vet for more extensive tests. Lil Boots is an old girl but she is a feisty girl . She still has a lot of life left to live.

March 26, 2023 Update: 

Lil Boots lost her vision on Friday so she is now blind on top of being deaf. At first we were heartbroken, but then we watched her maneuver around her room. She knows every square inch of the room she has lived in for the past 2-3 years. There are some challenges for her but we believe we have come up with a solution in order to keep her safe and in the room that she calls home. 

Her favorite spot is on the countertop in the window where she can bask in the sunlight. Her food dish and water dish are also up there. She has always had a ramp to go up and down, and it works well for her. Her litter box is on the floor beside the dryer. We gave a lot of thought into keeping her safe and we watched her the last couple of days to see how she has maneuvered about. She knows where her ramp is and goes up and down without hesitation. She has also found her litter box and has not missed once using it. 

She has fallen off the countertop a couple of times but we have nice, cushy dog beds on the floor to catch her. When she falls, she hops right back up and keeps on trucking.

Her appetite has improved greatly and the meds for her bladder infection have also made a huge difference. She looks great! She is loving all the attention from the volunteers.

Lil Boots is an inspiration. We watch her in sheer amazement. Nothing gets her down. She is living life to the fullest.

March 31, 2023 Update:

Lil Boots did not survive. Hours after her long seizure she started seizing again. We made the most humane decision we could and that was to let her go. Anyone who has dealt with seizures knows that it is a terrible thing to watch. Long seizures and repeated seizures are even worse. There were signs of neurological damage and it was clear that nothing we were we going to do was going to change the outcome. 

Lil Boots was almost 16, blind, deaf and she was also diabetic. She needed us to make the very difficult decision for her and we believe the right decision for her. We opened the window for her so her spirit could soar and be free from pain.

Lil Boots had been with us for around 4-5 years and because of all her medical problems, we were her home and her family. She was a beautiful girl with plenty of attitude but she could also be very loving when she wanted to be. Every time she was thrown a curve ball with her health, she adjusted and made the best of it.

She inspired us all and we all loved her very much. Her room at the sanctuary sits empty and our hearts are empty. There is one less food and water dish and one less kitty to love on. While we know that won’t be for long because there will always be another one to rescue and fall in love with, we will take this time to remember and mourn the loss of a feisty sweet girl named Lil Boots. We are so honored to have been a part of your journey and you will be missed beyond measure. Fly high sweet girl. You have earned your wings. We will never forget you, you gave us too much to remember.

Meet Livingston, A Male Cat 

We Finally Trapped Out Of The Cold

March 5, 2023: 

For the last month we have been feeding this kitty who he has been living under our storage shed outside. Our hearts were breaking for him because there were nights the temperatures were -22 outside. Setting traps in that cold weather was not an option. We gave him food and water, plus we purchased an outdoor heated cat house for him. He was scared and had no idea we were trying to help him. We were pretty sure he was from the trailer park next door .

Finally this past Friday, we received a phone call from someone else who was trying to catch him, asking if we had room and that they had caught him. We said yes and he was brought in. We were also told that he was from the trailer park and that he was put outside because he had worms.  After over a month this sweet boy is now inside and out of the cold. Inside where it is warm. He is an unneutered male and we have named him Livingston.  He looks like all of the other black kitties we have taken in from the trailer park.

We have never been one to remain silent when it comes to the life of an animal. We are their voice. If we don’t speak up for them who will? Animals cost money! Neutering and spaying costs money. Flea treatments and wormers cost money. If you can’t afford these services for your pet, then don’t get a pet! There are no words in the action of letting a cat out in below zero temps instead of giving it dewormer.

We have been told to be kinder on some of our previous posts, because people on fixed incomes cannot afford vet care. That just blows our minds. Sometimes you have to make decisions and give up things that do not fit into your budget. If you want an animal, you need to be willing to give up something else, such as your internet or maybe cable, and set that money aside towards vet care.  We know one lady commented that she ate Ramen so her pet could receive vet care . She melted our hearts with that comment. She was willing to eat less expensively in order for her pet to have what it needed. 

These days, yes vet care is expensive and before acquiring a pet, you need to take that into account. It is not fair for an animal to suffer because you can’t afford the care it needs. Love isn’t always enough. There are programs out there to help with neutering, spaying and vaccinations, so there is help available.

Another comment that was posted was, if people reach out for help they are made to feel embarrassed and then we want to take their animals.  We don’t want to take your animals. There are way too many animals sitting in shelters and sanctuaries. What we do want is for owners to step up to the plate and take care of their pets! That requires food, shelter, vet care and medications!

The Ark is also on a fixed income just like many people out there. We have no guaranteed income, but what we do have are many volunteers working very hard to make a difference in the lives of so many animals. There are no paychecks. We work very hard and very long hours to make sure each animal that passes thru our doors gets what it needs. We give up personal time and time with our families and our own pets. We juggle our finances. Some days there isn’t even time for lunch . Why do we do this? Because we are committed to these animals and as long as there are irresponsible pet owners, our buildings will be full. If this sounds cold or harsh, then we have your attention! If you are angry as you read this, then we have your attention. Now take some of that anger and turn it into something positive. Can anyone look at the pictures of this sweet boy out in the weather and say he deserved that?

We should mention that we have cameras on the outside of the sanctuary buildings that captured all of these pictures. And now, here's a challenge for everyone at the trailer park: If you can no longer provide for your cats or just simply don’t want them, don’t just open the door and let them out. Call us or message us and we will gladly take them.

Meet Our New 

Mommy-to-be Alice

March 2023

Yesterday March 2nd, Alice went to the vet because we noticed she is getting a little fat. Well there is a good reason for that, she is pregnant!!! 

This sweet girl has been at the sanctuary for almost two months. She came in during one of the bitter cold snaps. We can’t imagine this sweet girl having babies out in this cold. 

We also can’t imagine why anyone would let an unspayed female outside in below zero temps. Alice is an older cat and she is very sweet. We are happy she will have her babies in a safe, clean warm place with us.

UPDATE March 29:

Our sweet little Alice looking very, very pregnant these days. For those of you who don’t know her story she made her way into a local funeral home during one of the cold snaps. It was around -20 degrees out. They called and asked for our help. 

Alice came to The Ark about 2 months ago little did we know she was pregnant. We took her to the vet and the ultrasound showed that she was pregnant and the babies were formed. So we think any day now she will have her babies. 

UPDATE April 4, 2023:

Alice went into labor today and at the end of the day, she had a total of 3 babies. We are counting our blessings that everything went smoothly and that there were only three. Mom and babies are all doing well. She is a wonderful mom. 

March 1, 2023: Goodbye Lucky

Today we said goodbye to a cat that we knew less than 24 hours. A cat that was around 16 years of age, positive for FIV, a diabetic and a cat that was not neutered. He was dehydrated and extremely thin. He had been a stray. 

Despite the condition he was in, we all tried our best to save him, knowing full well the outcome would not be a good one but we had to try. He just had too many obstacles to overcome. He was struggling and in pain. We made the decision to give him peace and let him go. Fly high sweet Lucky you have earned your wings. Rest easy sweet boy you were only in our care a few short hours but we loved you.

It seems like we are seeing cases like this on a weekly basis. We like to think that they make their way to us for a reason. It never gets any easier but the work we do is so very important for all of these lost souls that come through our doors. Our doors will always be open for them and we will continue to be there for them no matter the circumstances. 


February 2023

UPDATE February 16, 2023: 

This cat was brought into the Ark in critical condition. A lady in town had been feeding him. He was in deplorable shape. His tail was so matted he couldn’t even lift it. He was not neutered and his mouth, well there are no words. The vet said she had never seen a mouth so bad. His teeth were rotted and he had developed tumors. His nose had blood coming from it. 

The fur on his chest had discharge from his mouth imbedded in it. He did not get that way overnight. To add insult to injury he has tested positive for both aids and feline leukemia and we are hoping it is because he is so compromised. The lady that had been feeding him has named him Shamu. She and her friend caught him and brought him to us. Thank you Cheryl and Stephanie. 

Shamu was rushed to the Florenceville vet clinic. Thank you Ros and Sue for transport. Shamu was given fluids and pain meds to make him comfortable for the night and he was scheduled for surgery. After discussing everything with Dr. Monteith we knew surgery was a long shot but decided he deserved a chance and we needed to know that we had done everything we could to give him that chance.

UPDATE February 17, 2023 #1: 

We just received news that he is out of surgery and that it was a long one. The good news is that he survived the surgery and has plenty of pain meds and antibiotics on board. The next step: If he can produce poop and pee to pass another milestone. He is in good hands and will receive the best care. 

It has been a roller coaster of emotions. Shamu is not feral he is a very affectionate cat despite the amount of pain he was in. He was someone’s pet, someone who didn’t bother to neuter him, someone who neglected the fact that he needed medical attention long ago. Why have a cat if you are going to let it get in this shape? Where are you tonight as we help your cat fight for his life. Why have a cat if you are going to ignore his pain and medical needs? That is not love, that is not even human! That is just plain neglect and neglect of the worst kind! Tonight is going to be a long one. Shamu can use all of the prayers, love and good vibes you can send his way. While we know there is no guarantee he will survive, we do know that he is loved and that he is comfortable tonight and not in pain. We have given him a chance, something we honestly believe his owner could have cared less about. There are no excuses or explanations that will ever make the condition he was found in right. It took a village to get Shamu the help he needed and it all happened at the drop of a hat. Cheryl and Stephanie, Ros and Sue and Dr, Monteith and her entire staff, thank you! Our volunteers go above and beyond and we are so lucky to have them. Dr: Monteith there are no words to express how grateful we are to you and your staff.

UPDATE February 17, 2023 #2: 

Shamu made it through the night. They are tweaking his meds and coming up with a plan for his treatment. I promise as soon as I get any new information I will share it. For now our boy is still with us. He is not an easy case. 

UPDATE February 17, 2023 #3: 

Shamu is producing urine!!!! Yay!!!!!. He is up and alert! He is reasonably more milestone complete. Now they are setting up a smorgasbord of food to see if he will eat, that is our next milestone to conquer. He has been given an appetite stimulant. Dr. Monteith is pleased with everything as long as he will eat by the end of the day. We are still not out of the woods yet but he is a fighter!

UPDATE February 18, 2023: 

He was given a cardboard box which he loves. He has been shaved due to the condition of his coat! Most importantly those 3 dishes that were full are almost empty!  Another milestone crossed! Yes he looks scared but he has been through a lot. We are moving in a positive direction! Thank you to everyone who has donated towards his vet bills. This sweet boy is so deserving! stay tuned for more  updates.  

UPDATE February 19, 2023: 

Shamu is eating well and using the litter box. He is becoming more comfortable with everyone taking care of him. He still requires IV fluids and will be on meds for a while.  Everyday there is improvement. 

UPDATE February 21, 2023: 

Shamu update! He continues to improve daily! He is no longer getting fluids. He will be on meds for a while but that is to be expected. He will be coming back to the Ark on Thursday and we will continue his care. He will go back for re checks every two weeks. This sweet boy is definetly a fighter! When he came in the odds were against him but today there is no stopping him! Dr Monteith says he is doing amazing! 

UPDATE February 23. 2023: 

Today was the day! Shamu has arrived back at the sanctuary from the vet clinic. He looks amazing compared to when he came in. His fur looks so much better, he is clean and eating well. He is on doxycycline once a day for a while and will go back for a re check in two weeks. 

We have given him a nice big crate for now to just kind of let him acclimate to his new surroundings. He is nervous but welcomes pets. It is amazing what proper vet care and a caring environment can do. Thanks to all involved in his rescue and to Florenceville vet clinic for the amazing care!

UPDATE March 4, 2023: 

Shamu graduated to his own room today! He is still doing amazing!!!! 

UPDATE March 10, 2023: 

Shamu ‘s vet visit went well yesterday! He had a panel of bloodwork done and is now only testing positive for feline aids and not leukemia. If you remember he had tested positive for both when he first came in, so that is great news! His blood work is still a little wonky but the vet is not concerned at this point. He was given a shot of Depo Medrol and also a shot of Covenia. We go back in a month for another re check. 

In this photo, his food dish is empty and he wants more!

UPDATE April 11, 2023:

Our sweet boy Shamu is at the vet and will be spending the night. He has developed a very large lump on the side of his face. To say we are concerned is an under statement. We will keep you posted as soon as we have any information. I know many of you are waiting on an update and I will get that to you as soon as we have any information. Right now there is nothing new to report. 

UPDATE April 12, 2023:

Shamu is resting comfortably at the vet clinic. He ate well yesterday but has had no food today because he will need to be sedated to get a better look in his mouth to see what is going on. As soon as we know more, we will update everyone. For now we need good vibes and prayers. He is such a special boy and loved by so many. 

UPDATE April 12, 2023

Shamu was sedated, the biopsy is complete and will be sent away for histology. He is up and eating and has been started on a regimen of different meds as well as something for pain. Dr. Monteith is very concerned it could be squamous cell carcinoma. We are prepared for the worst but praying for a positive outcome. Shamu has been through so much and we will do the right thing for him. Whatever he needs we will be there every single step of the way. The biopsy results will tell us what we need to know and we will move forward from there. We will be going over tomorrow and bring him back home to the sanctuary. 

UPDATE April 13, 2023

Shamu is back at the sanctuary. He is doing everything he normally does and acts normal. The lump has gotten bigger. He is eating great and craving attention. The dental x-rays showed nothing abnormal. Now we wait for the biopsy 7-10 days. For now he was given an injection of depo medrol,  an injection of cerenia as well as convenia and buprenorphine . He is comfortable and happy. No matter the outcome he is loved by everyone. We are hoping for a miracle for our sweet boy

UPDATE April 19, 2023

The results of Shamu’s biopsy are back, they are not the results that we had hoped for. The diagnosis is squamous cell carcinoma.  What  does that mean ? He has oral cancer. Oral cancer is not treatable and moves very quickly.  

Shamu came into our lives on February 15, 2023 and was immediately rushed to the vet clinic.  He has been in our care for a little over 2 months. It seems like he has been a part of our family forever. We fell in love with him from the moment we saw him, and he thanked everyone of us with his purrs and snuggles. He is a gift to every one of us and he has touched every one of us in a different way.

Today we move forward and know that our time with Shamu is limited so we intend to make the most of it. He is still eating well and very active, we are grateful for that. We will not let him suffer or be in pain. His life has been full of that. We will let Shamu tell us when it is time. Until then we will continue to tell his story, we will continue to educate, and we will continue to love each and every animal that comes through doors with all that we have.

Shamu the little cat with heart the size of a whale has taught us well.

UPDATE April 27, 2023:

Shamu and had an early morning vet visit today. Sadly Shamu did not make the trip back home to The Ark. The oral cancer had spread very quickly and was starting to affect his eating. His once bright eyes were no longer bright and we could tell the cancer was taking it’s toll. The past few days the volunteers made special visits to spend some quality time with him. 

Audrey fixed a platter with every kind of food imaginable for him last night and he enjoyed every last morsel. Oden, Shamu ‘s new little human snuggled with him and loved on him. Becky made a special trip up to see her boy and Heidi told him how much he was loved. These volunteers were amazing and I could tell their hearts were breaking. Shamu was a part of their family.

This was not an easy decision but it was the kindest thing we could do for him. Shamu did not have an easy life, he struggled living on the streets for years with no medical attention, no shelter and no food source. He was near death when he was brought to us. There was no hesitation on our part and we did what needed to be done in hopes that he would finally get the family and the love that he deserved. It was a miracle that he even survived . 

He was such a courageous , sweet kind soul. When the odds were against him , he survived, he just kept going despite his unfortunate circumstances. He fought hard and in the end he lived 2 months pain free  at The Ark . He was surrounded by his new family and friends and he soaked up every minute of it. This is where he belonged and would never ever have to worry about anything ever again.

Our time with him was cut short , but the time we had with him was amazing. We were blessed to have him in our lives for those two short months. He stole our hearts. Today was a difficult day but it was peaceful and he was ready. He left this world surrounded by love . I am honored to have been the one to help him make his journey to the rainbow bridge. Fly high sweet Shamu you have certainly earned your wings. Shamu the little cat with the heart the size of a whale, you were our hero!!! We love you sweet boy.

For everyone who is following his story we know that you think of him as your cat too. Really he belongs to the world. Please share his story far and wide. No animal should ever have to experience what he has gone through.

We have set up a fundraising event to help with the cost of the surgery and care Shamu has received thus far and will continue to receive. Thanks in advance for your donation. You have two choices for your donation:

Please visit our Facebook page here to donate or you can use the Paypal button: